The Wealth Pattern

Willpower: Fear and Desire

Jesse Young El
Read Time:
2 mins 25 sec
NOTE: This post is part of a series.
If you haven't read
Secret #2: The Wealthy's Willpower
do that first.


If you’re honest with yourself – you too fall victim to your fears.

  • You’re terrified of the potential risks associated with investing (or)
  • You fear you will invest in the wrong thing and end up losing a ton of money (or)
  • You’re afraid of the time it’ll take to rebound from a major loss (or)
  • You may fear you don’t even have what it takes to be successful (or)
  • Possibly countless other fears about money...

For most people, the reason they don’t win financially is because the pain of losing money is far greater than the joy of being rich.

-- Robert Kiyosaki

The poor and at-risk fear losing money more than their desire to manifest their dreams.

(If this is you, don't worry. We have a fix for this problem. We'll show it to you later on)



It’s ironic.

The Poor and At-Risk let their desires get the best of them too.

Once again, if you’re honest with yourself, you do too.


You can’t resist the new gadget or outfit that grazes across your social media feed. .

- You have to feed your desires.



You lack the strength to abstain from overspending long enough for a financial goal. .

- You have to feed your desires even more.



You can’t find it in you to stick to a budget. You go over budget every month until you finally disregard the budget altogether. .

- You have to feed your desires EVEN MORE.



Soon your desires grow so far out of control.

Your appetite grows bigger than your bank account.

(Actual footage of your desires growing out of control)



In general, the willpower of the poor and at-risk is in dire need of strengthening.

The Wealthy’s willpower is stronger.

Much stronger.


SO, how do you begin building your will power like the wealthy?

Like this:



Step 1: The Wealthy start with smaller, less ambitious goals.

Just as an amateur weightlifter begins with lite weights.



Step 2: The wealthy set practical goals and grow and thrive off of small easy wins.



Step 3: Each new goal becomes a little more ambitious than the previous.



Step 4: Over time, their willpower grows as their abilities, knowledge, experience, and resources grow.

The wealthy build their willpower the same as a weightlifter builds strength.

For the weightlifter it's one muscle at a time.

For the wealthy it's one asset at a time.



Step 5: And like money, their successes and experiences begin to compound over time.

This is how the wealthy conquer larger, more ambitious goals.

Goals which the Poor or At-Risk couldn’t imagine setting out to do – let alone accomplishing.

I am careful not to start difficult and impractical tasks because I love leisure.
-- George S. Clason




So what’s missing?

What’s the difference between you and them?

The 1% dedicates the time and energy needed to building their willpower.

This is a major part of the framework for mastering money:

  1. To make money
  2. Keep money
  3. Multiply money
  4. And repeat.
Make. Keep. Multiply. Repeat.

And because of this, the wealthy live a life the 99% could only dream of.



  1. Look at the paper you wrote yesterday... (the one with fear on the left side and desires on the right side)
  2. Get a different color pen (preferably red)
  3. Think about what the weightlifter would have to tell himself in order to overcome each fear.
  4. -- Write them in the spaces you left under each fear.
  5. Think about what the weightlifter would have to tell himself in order to resist each desire.
  6. -- Write them in the spaces you left under each desire.
  7. What you wrote in those spaces are solutions to the fears and desires which probably stood in his way.
  8. Here’s a link to watch a compilation of the “Audrey II” – the human-eating venus flytrap in “Little Shop of Horrors”

    – This is a great example of how the 99%’s fears and desires grow out of control.

    Also, there’s plenty of spoilers here so don’t watch if you still plan on seeing this movie (although it came out in 1986, so….)

💡 Here's a thought -- see if you can you use any of these solutions for your OWN fears and desires?

More willpower in the next chapter.